Business Data Process Management
Business Data Management consists of two main interacting processes:
- Business Data Administration
- Business Data Modelling
Business Data Administration is responsible for collecting, classifying, storing, controlling all Business Data Models (i.e.: meta data) and informing and advising all stakeholders on this matter. Starting models are delivered to the Modelling function.
Business Data Modelling concerns all projects and activities specifying (among others) Business Data Models. It may be activities to document the status quo or activities that have the goal to accomplish transitions of or within the organisation. Edited Business Data Models are a deliverable for the activity which have to be accepted by Business Data Administration.
Business Data Process Management is responsible for designing, implementing and maintaining the processes used by and setting standards and guidelines on Business Data Management, in particular on Business Data Administration and Business Data Modelling and the efficiency and effectiveness of the exchange process between those two functions. If you can see Business Data Management as a supportive company Business function, Business Data Process Management will organise that business, creating their processes, accounting systems (administration of BDM meta data, workflow system, etc.) including IT to be used for that purpose. These processes and systems will supply the Business Data Governance function with information for Business Data Management purposes.
Business Data Process Management - the steps
To understand Business Data Process Management one should regard Business Data Management as a Business on its own. A Business to document and model businesses and to support these businesses on their Business Data Models. Like any Business, BDM needs its own Business Data Model, its own organisation, its own Business Processes and its own supporting ICT.
Business Data Process Management will design, implement, monitor, evaluate and adjust the BDM function in order to guarantee the efficient and effective execution of the BDM function. It may include the following steps:
Modelling BDM – Create BDM processes – Create BDM systems – Create BDM handbook – BDM Support – Evaluate & maintain
Modelling BDM as a Business
We suggest to start to model the Business Data Model of Business Data Management. In fact, what we will do is a way of next level modelling because you actually have to model the meta data of the other Businesses. A lot has already been given on the Modelling page of this website. As a starting point for your Business Data Model of BDM, you can start of with the terms and definitions given in the section “Definitions used”. These terms are BDM Business terms and can be modelled. In fact, the Business terms mentioned within this section will all end up as Business concepts of the BDM Business Data Model. It might be confusing to see the Business term “Business characteristic” end up as a Business concept at this meta level, but collecting and defining thousands of Business characteristics of other businesses will mean that each Business characteristic will be a Business object at BDM (meta) level which will be grouped as a Business concept: “Business characteristic”.
Secondly we should also decide on the Business terms of BDM that will end up as Business characteristics of the BDM Business Data Model. Some suggestions are also already given on the Modelling page of this website, within the section “step 1: Define Business terms”. So you may have a need for the BDM Business terms
- Business term definition
- Business term comments
- Business term plural
- Business term abbreviation
- Etc. etc.
which will end up as Business characteristics of the Business concept “Business term” (of course: within the BDM Business Data Model).
Thirdly, additional Business terms related to Business Data Process Management and BDM Governance may be added for purposes like life cycle management, version management, performance management, etc.
Describing Business Data Management on this website means that we (of course!) have the BDM Business Data Model in place. But for any organisation starting to use Business Data Management, we suggest that you create your own, as an exercise and tailored to your organisation and the level of (in depth of) Business Data Management you want to create.
The purpose of creating a BDM Business Data Model of the meta data required is multifold. But actually identical of the purpose of creating a Business Data Model for the regular business:
- Definition of the business
- Basis for designing and modelling business processes
- Basis for designing and engineering of accounting systems
- Basis for standards & guidelines
Business Data Management Processes
We have shown the steps to be taken on Business Data Administration and Business Data Modelling. Designing the business processes for these functions very much depend on:
- The organisation
- Goals on Business Data Management
- (De)centralisation of the Business Data Administration function
- The Business parties and ownerships
So we cannot give a single design on the processes needed within Business Data Management, each organisation or business starting on Business Data Management will have to model and implement the processes tailored to their needs.
Formal organisations normally choose for detailed and well structured processes with all tasks and parties involved, preferably supported by a workflow management system and accounting system to document the results on the Business Data Models. If Business Data Management is explored and executed by and within a single Business, processes may be less formal.
A centralised Business Data Administration function will have great advantages in creating a Business Data Model on Organisation level, but it will need more interaction, communication, consultation between Business parties and their modelling initiatives. Within a decentralised situation there may be better progress in modelling the businesses individually but aligning them afterwards may need extensive efforts, larger rework, change of business language and therefor also greater resistance to commit to a more corporate Business Data Model.
Special attention is needed on version management. Several modelling initiatives may have overlap in creating or adjusting a Business Data Model of a certain business area. The Business Data Administration function should have insight in overlapping initiatives on starting models. Business Data Processes should be designed on inter-initiative communication. The BDM accounting systems may give essential support in getting insight in development and control, within the Evaluate & Maintain function the Business Data Process Management consultants will signal overlap and give hands-on support in bringing initiatives together and aligning the models.
Developing BDM processes will probably create the need for additional Business terms to model for purposes like life cycle management, version management, performance management, etc. and will require a return to the previous (Modelling BDM) step to add these terms to the BDM Business Data Model.
This section is about Business Data Process Management, setting standards on and managing the Business Data Management function as an additional, supportive business function. Business Data Governance is explained in the next section and concerns the top management role of Business Data Management. Be aware that in regular Data Management, with the focus on data (Data values) itself, the process management function often is referred to as “Data Governance”, which is correct from that perspective. Within BDM we choose to consider the management of meta data as a supportive business on its own and therefor have “Business Data Process Management” as the process management function and “Business Data Governance” as the governance function of the Business Data Management function.
Business Data Management Accounting & IT
We already addressed that BDM modelling and BDM processes have to be developed for the organisation specifically so it will not be a surprise that the supporting BDM accounting system(s) and IT will need to adhere to that.
A regular Business Data Model will tell you how the business looks like and what is relevant for the business (Business terms). Business Process Models will tell you how business people work within the real world and when and what results from their work needs to be documented within accounting systems and how data is processed. Together they are the main (but not only) aspects relevant for creating/developing or selecting an accounting system to support the business. So this also applies for Business Data Management accounting systems & IT.
A single system for Business Data Administration and Business Data Modelling could be ideal for monitoring and aligning modelling initiatives, preventing disappointments and rework at Intake and Investigate steps of Business Data Administration. But it will be complex, hard to develop or to find a solution to support these requirements.
One special feature is most needed and cannot left unmentioned. Realise that meta data is full of references to other meta data. For example a Business term definition may have lots of references to other Business terms, roles, subtypes, relationships, etc. etc. Because Business Data Management will challenge the business in choosing names for their Business terms, during the process these names are likely to change, sometimes even multiple times over time. In order to develop a lexicon with the consistent use of Business terms and other meta data, hyperlinking Business terms etc. at all levels will be a must have in order to obtain consistent use of Business terms all over the model.
The use of a workflow management system might be a wish especially when multiple people will have to work individually through the process on a single subject and to have the operations more in control. Integration with the accounting system itself would be ideal.
In practise, we see that a lot of organisations make extensive use of Office applications instead. It is a way of going forward but accounting for Business meta data will be a tough job and meta data quality normally will suffer from it over time. This may result in declining interest and use of meta data (the “lexicon”) within the business. It will highly disable Business Data Process Management activities and also Business Data Governance. The use of tooling designed for regular Data Management functions may be a better alternative, despite lack of functionality and support of the Business Data Management way of thinking and continuous pitfalls to handle.
Business Data Modelling Handbook
The BDM handbook will contain all relevant information regarding Business Data Management in order to explain to different stakeholders what Business Data Management stands for, how it contributes to the businesses and how it is organised within the company.
The results of above mentioned steps will be presented and explained:
- It will explain the goals of Business Data Management and how it is organised, also at the business level and explains the processes in place.
- It will explain the approach, the way of working on modelling and results required and what BDM systems (lexicon) and IT are in place to support this.
- It will explain how BDM is governed and the Evaluate & Maintain (Planning & Control) cycle is implemented.
- It will explain about the company, the businesses operating and the stakeholders (business owners and their teams).
- And will address any other subject relevant to execute Business Data Management within the organisation.
Business Data Management Support
Within Business Data Process Management knowledge on all aspects of BDM will be available. On the method, on Administration, Modelling and processes used. It is all brought together within the Handbook and also practical support to all these BDM functions will be provided by the Support function.
More specifically, on Business Data Administration, the Support role may have the lead in or even may execute the Intake step where a new or adjusted model is checked on standards used. If needed, Support may have to some distinct also a role in Investigate and Integrate depending on the level of knowledge within Administration. Asking the Support role as a second opinion on Investigate and Integrate often is advisable.
Support may have a significant role on assisting initiatives in Business Data Modelling. On all steps. Especially new and/or unexperienced businesses and teams may have the need in training and assistance on the job. Support will provide that.
Business Data Management Support will also be the central point for other parties not only for questions but it will also seek cooperation with other related businesses within and outside the organisation on subjects like (Data) Architecture, regular Data Management, IT, etc.
Business Data Management Evaluate & Maintain
Business Data Management will develop over time, like any other business within an organisation. It will need goals, plans and KPI’s will be put in place. Performance will be measured and reported to the management of Business Data Management: Business Data Governance. Evaluate & Maintain will monitor the work of BDM roles, the efforts and results and will take action and adjust the working situation within their mandate, they will further develop and improve the BDM Business Data Model, processes, guidelines, BDM Accounting & IT, etc. They may also have the responsibility to implement directions received from Governance, together within the BDM professionals and the businesses it will affect.